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Wednesday 25 September 2019

Good to know: how to open a can without a can opener

Life Tricks Good to know: how to open a can without a can opener

You never know when it is necessary to open a can without a can opener
Of course, the moments we could have to survive in nature are scarce. Very scarce. However, he could be camping or the tents are closed and the only thing he has in his closet are the cans, and his can opener broke. You never know! And when that happens, we have it covered with this trick on how to open a can without a can opener.

Time of need
It's like the trick that teaches you how to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew: how big is the possibility that you really need it? But when you do it, it is very useful to know how to do it. And although opening a bottle of wine is never exactly a basic necessity, although some nights it seems it is, opening a can of food could save your life one day. Or at least that will save you from being hanged.

Life trick
Fortunately, the YouTuber ' The Crazy Russian Hacker ' has made a very instructive video in which it clearly explains how to open a can without a can opener. How to do it? You will need a rough but flat surface like concrete or a sidewalk. Turn the can and quickly rub it on the surface. Then turn it over and press the can from both sides. If you did it correctly, the lid will open suddenly. If not, try rubbing it again. You never know when you need this trick to save your life (or that of your cat).

Tuesday 24 September 2019

How to relax: 18 techniques to relieve tension and stress

18 techniques to relieve tension and stress

Work, family and other concerns can make you enter a vicious cycle of stress. Before such a picture, you should not let it happen because this situation can lead you to have serious health problems both physically and emotionally. To calm anxiety, as well as to prevent it, it is essential that you learn to calm down. That is why we present several useful ways to relax .

18 ways to relax mentally and physically
Learning to relax is a very healthy way to help your body and mind relax. For this, you don't need long relaxation sessions. By implementing habits to your day to day you can help your body and your mind to calm down.

1. Analyze what causes you the burden
The first step in solving a problem is to become aware of it. Think if what makes you feel bad is important enough to steal your positive energy and peace. Keep in mind that there will always be a solution for everything. Also, as the American psychologist and writer Wayne Dyer said: "There is no stress in the world, only people creating stressful thoughts and then acting on them."

2. Reserve time for yourself
To know how to be accompanied, you must learn to be alone. Take your time to do your things without having to give accounts to anyone. Going alone to the cinema or taking a trip without anyone are activities that will allow you to be at peace.

3. Breathe
Breathing is an essential body function for us to live. But when talking about breathing to relax we mean that you have to stop a few minutes and concentrate on it. Make deep breaths and breaths through the nose. Before you start breathing like this, sit or lie down comfortably and close your eyes. You will see that after inhaling and exhaling like this for five minutes you start feeling better.

4. Leave the computer
Perhaps you have never stopped to think about this. However, being in front of the computer for many hours increases your stress level. Also, this activity increases the chances that you have problems with wakefulness, migraines or itchy eyes, among others.

To avoid this fatigue, reduce the hours you are in front of the screen. In the case that you work with this device, take small breaks every hour and do not take that time to look at the mobile or other electronic devices.

5. Walk
A daily walk of 30 minutes is very convenient to relax. Putting on quiet music while taking a walk will favor the fact that you disconnect.

6. Think things that relax you
Our mind is very powerful. That is why if you start to have calming thoughts you will get your body to relax through your words. Start using terms like "don't worry", "relax", "calm down" or "breathe" and you'll see the difference.

7. Dream Awake
In a time of stress, think of something that makes you abstract from the burden and calms you down. An example can be to imagine that you are in the countryside, on the beach or in any situation that produces tranquility.

8. Listen to music
Music helps us calm the mind. Therefore, it is recommended to listen to instrumental, classical or calm songs to release hormones that help us calm down. Try not to opt for topics that are very sad or very slow. As for the volume, it is better that it is not very high.

9. Do an activity that pleases you
To relax, read, cook, dance, swim, crochet, paint, draw, play an instrument or sing are some of the activities you can do. Choose that hobby that helps you disconnect and makes you feel good. Having your mind busy on something you like will make you have a different view of things and calm down.

10. Sleep properly
Sometimes, we subtract hours of sleep by trying to do as many activities as possible. However, rest is essential for your body to function properly. In fact, not sleeping the necessary hours can cause concentration problems, encourage you to eat more, be more upset and perform worse.

11. Get massages
Massages help calm muscle contractures and get away from the world for a while. It is always more advisable for a professional to do it because they are the ones who know how to perform them correctly without harming any part of the body.

12. Go to therapy
Talking with a psychologist will help you get everything you have inside that is hurting you mentally and physically. Therefore, do not hesitate to go to therapy with a specialist.

13. Eat healthy
It may seem unrelated, but eating in a balanced way also has a positive effect on relaxing.

14. Drink warm fluids
When we are nervous, many people recommend us to drink an infusion. These types of drinks benefit us from releasing tension and provide serenity. Keep in mind that those liquids that contain caffeine in the coffee are energizing and can activate and make us more nervous. Therefore, avoid them.

15. Take a relaxing bath
Like warm drinks, a warm bath allows you to calm down. If you wish, you can add some bath salts so that the effect is even greater.

16. Stay away from toxic people
The toxic people  you hurt a lot because you emotionally imbalanced. Therefore, once you learn to recognize them, stay as far away from them as possible.

17. Practice aromatherapy
The aromatherapy uses scents to soothe stress. Some of the perfumes included in this therapy are mint, eucalyptus and lavender.

A very useful technique is to get an aromatherapy oil and put a little on the temple, on the elbows and on the inside of the wrists with a circular massage. You can also place fragrances in your home to relax.

18. Spend time with animals
Being in contact with animals helps to reduce stress levels since touching your blood pressure can decrease.

Another technique that is also recommended to relax is animal-assisted psychotherapy. With their help, exercises are done to calm people's anxiety. It should be noted that horses are the animals that are most used for this purpose.

Activities such as meditation or yoga are also very good for relaxing. Remember that stress affects both your body and your mind . Therefore, follow these guidelines regularly to avoid the side effects that may result from anxiety.

Read also:

Lavender to reduce preoperative anxiety?

Sunday 22 September 2019

How to have good health?

Being healthy not only means taking care of physical aspects, but also your well-being and mental health are equally important. If you have an appropriate psychological health, you can develop your potential being able to face positively the stressful situations that occur in your life, such as the loss of a loved one. In turn, you can spend and share your time with your family, friends and the surrounding community.

Valuing yourself and accepting yourself is a key aspect of maintaining your psychological health, which will allow you to enjoy life completely. However, if this becomes a fight , your ability to sense, express and manage your positive and negative emotions - especially anger - will be affected. For example, if you have a permanent physical illness, have retired or have been fired, you may feel low-spirited and stressed. These feelings usually happen, but sometimes they develop other more serious problems, such as depression or anxiety. Therefore, having quality mental health will safe guard you from developing these disorders.

Try to follow these 10 tips to feel a physical, emotional and mental well-being:

1. Follow a healthy and balanced diet.
2. Drink sensibly.
3. Stay active.
4. Rest.
5. Sleep well.
6. Externalize your feelings.
7. Ask for help when you need it.
8. Accept yourself as it is.
9. Be in touch with your friends and loved ones.
10. Smile and laugh.

Follow a healthy and balanced diet

It is no secret that eating a healthy and balanced diet helps you maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease or a stroke. Food, after all, is the power source of our body. You cannot put diesel in a gasoline machine, so, in relation to this, you should not feed improperly - this will only make you feel bad.

Drink sensibly

Alcohol is a depressive euphoriant and affects brain functions. If you do not drink sensibly, or drink large amounts for a long period of time, you will have the risk of developing mental problems such as anxiety or depression. In addition, you should not take drugs, such as cannabis or ecstasy as they increase the potential risk of damaging the brain.

Stay active

Taking part in regular physical activity helps your brain release the so-called happiness hormones (endorphins), which help improve the feeling of being star. Do what entertains you most, such as a team sport, dancing, cycling or walking. Exercise like tai chi will also help you feel Effective.Try to be active at all times: people who are unemployed or who suffer from a disease have the lowest self-esteem and are more depressed.


Negative changes that occur in life, such as the loss of a loved one, divorce, being unemployed or retired can be key to feeling bad psychologically. Sometimes, you may feel that the world is coming and that you are unable to reach a goal. The key is to relax, even meditating, in order to manage emotions and reduce stress levels.

Sleep well

Feeling tired affects concentration, demotivates you and leaves you without energy. This can, in turn, affect mental health, so it is important to get enough sleep to feel rested and feel able to perform daily activities.

Externalize your feelings

Talking to others about how you feel will help you see everything from another perspective. Try to talk with the people closest to you so you can share your problems.

Ask for help when you need it

If you feel you cannot manage on your own, you should not feel guilty or ashamed for asking others for help. Losing a loved one or certain changes that may occur in life are difficult to overcome, so it is important to remember that you can ask for help and the advantages that this entails make a difference when it comes to taking a certain situation.

Accept yourself as it is

There are certain things that can change in your life. Seeing yourself as a worthy person, and not judging yourself with excessive zeal, will help you feel good and maintain an acceptable degree of happiness throughout your life.

In contact with your friends and loved ones

Maintaining good relationships with the people around you will strengthen you, since it is always important to have contact with friends and family, especially in times of need. Even if you have not seen someone for some time, invite him to eat, write him a letter or send him an e-mail.

Smile and laugh

This is simple and simple. Why don't you do it right now?

How To Make Good Healthy Habits

In this article, you will find many good healthy practices to follow in sequence to lead a positive healthy life. Above all else, our health is vital. To have an considerable amount of energy along with having a fit body, without illnesses, are just some of the senses we may achieve to have a feeling of overall happiness. In order for us to achieve healthy living, we need to be able to consistently exercise as well as follow a healthy meal plan. We need to rid ourselves of the words and practices of lazy and lethargic if we are to be truly healthy. Both mental and physical exercise is hard work, and we will need to work at it to remain healthy.

Junk foods are to be avoided at all costs, to make sure we never feel lathargic and dull. If you are over weight, you will probably have a higher chance of all kinds of health problems. By keeping up an optimum body weight, we can lessen the risk of getting some health problems.

Positive thinking can really help when it comes to being and remaining healthy. A great habit to undertake is to stay focused on more positive thoughts and dispel any negative thoughts or emotions. Not only can this assist you in your healthy practice goals but also in life in general, so it is a fantastic habit to take onboard. There are yoga and meditation type class that offer positive thought sessions to help you get rid of some of the negativity.

Consuming healthy foods will become a big part of your new healthier lifestyle. This can consist of a mix of simple foods such as fruits, lean meats, vegetables, nuts and many more. Keep well away from any foods that have been refined.

These days, a bad food diet can be one of the leading causes for a lot of illnesses. This can lead to such illness and disease like diabetes, obesity and cancer, just to name a few. The good news is that just by making small changes in your diet, you can get the benefits of improved health in a short period of time.

Exercising often can help you feel refreshed, especially if you exercise at the start of the day. Not only will exercising put you in a positive frame of mind but it will also make it easier to think and make the right choices when it comes to healthy foods. Some exercise activities to get involved in may include, swimming, cycling, walking, or organised sports. Don’t pick the exercise activities that you will not enjoy.

Also, don’t alter your lifestyle too much while starting. Try to make simple, smaller changes to your lifestyle in order to turn these into regular habits that you can enjoy.

The most productive weight-loss programs, or healthy eating plans that i have come across, is The Diet Solution Isabel De Los Rios created, that just make it easier to stick to a regular healthy diet plan.

The Importance of Healthy Foods

Have you ever wondered if nutrition and health are related? Do you think eating healthy is important? Of course! Just as a car needs fuel and constant maintenance to function properly, the human body requires food, exercise and a good mental attitude, to stay healthy and develop its full potential. Hence the importance of a good diet .

Food is necessary in all living beings , both in animals and in Human Beings, and that is why we must have a balanced incorporation of nutrients into our body, which is often referred to as Good Food, its compliance being fundamental for the development of life and different daily activities.

what is a good nutrition?

A good diet means that your body gets all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs to work properly. To do this you must learn to plan your meals and snacks intelligently, so that they are rich in nutrients and low in calories.

It is usually justly linked to Good Nutrition with sports, to a life with exercises since Balanced Diets are usually adopted to be able to supplement these physical activities, while on the contrary the nutritional imbalances are usually related rather to a Sedentary Life and lacking physical exercise

Bad eating habits have contributed to the increase in obesity in the world. According to WHO, in 2014, more than 1.9 billion adults 18 years of age and older suffered from weight. Of them, more than 600 million were obese. Even for those with adequate weight, a nutrient-poor diet is associated with greater health risks, which can cause illness and even death.

Your decisions about what you eat affect your health and how you feel today, tomorrow and in the future.

healthy-cooking-food A balanced diet brings many benefits.

Many people think that eating healthy can only help reduce or maintain weight, but the benefits go beyond. Learning to properly balance our daily meals is necessary because:

• It gives us the vitality and energy necessary for life.

• It helps us maintain an adequate weight, according to age and height.

• Stimulates the immune system.

• Improves sports performance and in general, in any activity we do.

• Delay the aging process.

• It allows us to be active and fit during old age.

• Helps fight tiredness and fatigue.

• Protects teeth and keeps gums healthy.

• Improves the ability to concentrate and possible mood swings.

• Reduces the risk of serious diseases such as heart attacks, certain types of cancer, diabetes in adulthood and gallbladder diseases, among others.

The basics for healthy eating.

• Low in fat

The nutritionists agree that eating less saturated fat, in fried foods, butter, cream, margarine and oils is a way to make a healthy diet and lose weight. Reducing consumption is particularly important for the heart.

• Carbs and starches

We have forgotten how important rice, pasta, potatoes, bread and cereals are for our health. Previously it was believed that starch was harmful, but today it is known that it can become as important in a proper diet, such as fiber.

• High fiber content

Although sometimes we don't like it, fiber keeps our digestive system moving and helps lower cholesterol, prevent gallstones, bowel cancer and keep our weight under control. Fiber is found in cereals, in brown rice, barley, lentils, beans and vegetables.

• Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants

Vegetables, fruits and grains contain a lot of vitamins and minerals that work as antioxidants. Numerous studies show that people who eat a lot of legumes and fruits have lower rates of heart disease and cancer.

• Moderate sugar consumption

Sugar in modest amounts adds flavor and is a useful fuel for active people. However, consuming it in excess adds unwanted kilojules and can displace other more important foods. In chewable form, sugar can also cause tooth decay. .

• Little salt

The modern diet is loaded with salt and this is harmful to the heart. 75% of total salt intake comes from daily commercial foods; therefore it is imperative to buy products of reduced salt or without added salt.

By deciding to change habits and take steps to eat better, you will be providing your body with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy, active and strong. Making small modifications to your diet is simpler than you imagine. The important thing is always to document yourself properly and approach an expert to avoid decompensations that are worse in the long run.

What can I do to eat better?

  • Have breakfast every day.
  • Drink more water instead of soda or fruit juices that contain too much sugar. Try to drink at least 3 liters of water each day. Add a piece of lemon, lime or orange to give it more flavor.
  • Eat at regular times and avoid skipping meals or replacing a meal with a high-calorie and fat snack. If you are starving between meals, eat a healthy munch.
  • Keep snacks low in fat and calories in your home, work, or car to prevent hunger and avoid eating too much.
  • Eat a variety of fresh, canned or frozen fruits and vegetables of different colors every day. Vegetables of different colors provide different nutrients. Choose dark green leafy vegetables such as chard and spinach, and red and orange vegetables such as carrots, purple cabbage, red peppers and tomatoes. Sweet potatoes, strawberries, blackberries and papayas have a lot of flavor and provide many nutritious substances and few calories.
  • Choose whole or cut fruits more often instead of fruit juices. The juices have little or no fiber and add too much sugar.
  • Add vegetables to your favorite stews, sauces and soups.
  • Eat the foods you like but eat small amounts of foods with a lot of fat and calories, for example ice cream, and see how many times you eat them.
  • Read the "nutritional facts" on the labels to see the amount of fat and calories contained in the portion listed.
  • If you eat fast foods, try not to eat them every day and avoid eating large amounts of this type of food.
  • Many restaurants serve too much food. To control what you eat while enjoying, take some food home to eat the next day.
  • In addition to improving how and what you and your family eat, you can also make some small changes when cooking.

Tips for healthy cooking 

  • Before cooking, always remove the skin from chicken and turkey, and cut the excess fat from the meat.
  • Try to make more soups, especially those with carrots, potatoes, red and black beans and other vegetables or legumes that you like.
  • Prepare your baked, grilled, grilled, or steamed chicken or fish dishes instead of frying them.
  • Use healthy oils such as olive or canola oil instead of butter or butter.
  • Use only the egg whites and not the whole egg when baking or making egg tortillas.
  • Cook and eat meals with less salt. Use low-salt broths or citrus juices to flavor foods.
  • Add herbs and spices to season your meals instead of using creamy, fatty, or salty sauces.
  • Chill the soups and sauces and with a spoon remove the fat that forms on the surface before reheating or eating them.
  • Use a "spray" or vegetable spray to saute and bake, to prevent cakes from sticking to the molds.
  • When your food is cold, dry it with paper towels to remove excess fat, before serving.
  • Quick breakfast ideas
  • Low-fat yogurt with fresh fruits like strawberries.
  • Fresh or canned fruits (in its own juice).
  • Ideas for low-fat snacks
  • Whole wheat toast and low fat or skim milk.
  • Cereals with low sugar and not covered with sugar.
  • Smoothies made with fresh or frozen fruits and with mint or other herbs that you like.

Get that gorgeous golden glow, whatever the season

Nothing says health, wealth, and happiness like a gorgeous tan – and you don’t have to be cruising the Riviera in your private yacht in order to get one! From rocking gorgeous sundresses in summer to looking healthy despite the winter gloom, a suntan is always in season; and as a bonus, it will hide any blemishes, smooth out the complexion and make you look slimmer. Fortunately there are lots of ways to get yourself that gorgeous glow, to suit every budget and schedule.

Natural Sun

sun tanning

A natural suntan can be truly beautiful, especially if you get it at the seaside or by a pool, as water makes the tan darker, and that much more even. Being out in the sun also provides your body with much needed vitamin D, for healthy bones, nerves and muscles, and fresh air. This kind of tan also lasts a lot longer than the spray and cream versions. But remember that natural sun is only good in moderation! It’s important to tan gradually, so if you’re in a really hot climate, avoid being in direct sunlight at mid-day. If you try to go from Snow White to Grecian goddess in one day, you’re going to end up with a very painful sunburn instead: and not only is it unsightly, but regularly burned skin can develop age spots and there is even the chance of skin cancer for those with genetic predispositions.

Spray tanning

Spray tanning

If you don’t like sitting out in the sun, or if you’re in the middle of winter with hardly any sunshine in sight for months on end, there’s always the spray-tan option. For this, you can pick which ever shade suits you best and then head over to the nearest salon for a professional spray tan, or try a tanning spray or cream at home. This method just adds a tint to your skin, so you don’t have to worry about sun burn, age-spots or cancer.

Bear in mind that this kind of tan tends to come off a lot sooner than a natural tan, and the cream can leave dark marks on your bedding and clothes. Also, you have to be careful during the application process, because if not applied correctly, you’ll be left with noticeable, uneven streaks across your skin.

Don’t forget to check how long the spray you use take to dry – some can stay sticky for several hours afterwards.

Melanotan tablets

Melanotan is a synthetic hormone that darkens your complexion by stimulating your natural melatonin. It a good option for a smudge-free, long lasting tan without having to expose your skin to the harsh rays of the sun. These tables are also a lot more affordable than regular salon appointments or messy bottles of tanning creams. The results take a few days to show, but soon your skin will begin to develop the desired golden glow. It is also a great way to prevent sunburn if you’re planning to head out to the beach, as it darkens your skin in advance. However, make sure you’re taking the real thing. Real, quality tanning tablets will leave you beautifully bronzed – others may leave you looking orange instead.

Salon sunbeds

tanning beds

Tanning salons, and beauty salons offering tanning services, are easy to find and widely available, with a broad price-range of services, so you don’t have to buy a plane ticket to get a few rays in the winter gloom. They are quick and convenient – and you can even get your nails done, while you’re there.

Though there is still the risk of skin spots and cancer associated with natural tanning, recent advances in technology mean that tanning beds work a lot faster than natural sunlight. Less time spent exposed to direct rays means reduced chance of sunburn, blemishes or cancer.

Sun beds: standing up

Standing booths are usually roomier than lying down ones, which means that you can move around, and expose different tricky areas of skin as you would naturally in the sun, allowing for a more even and authentic tan. These also usually work a bit faster than lying down booths, as the bulbs tend to be stronger, which is great when you’re in a hurry, or if you just want to limit exposure to the light.

Sun beds: lying down

On the other hand, lying down in a tanning bed is much more relaxing, and you still get tanned in a relatively short time. But remember to change your position periodically, as lying in the same position can result in tan creases or missed tricky areas, e.g. under the arms.

Which ever way you choose to tan, remember that moderation is the key to turning heads with your lasting, natural bronzed glow.

How To Apply Fake Tan? How to Apply Self Tanner

Thursday 19 September 2019

How To Apply Fake Tan? How to Apply Self Tanner

How To Apply Fake Tan? How to Apply Self Tanner

We live in a day and age where people understand the dangers of being in the sun for too long. If you go out tanning every day for the majority of your life, you may not only have brown, wrinkly skin but may also develop serious forms of cancer. However, you can still get the golden radiance  if you go with other options. For example, if you want to look tan in a secure manner, you absolutely  need to consider using self-tanners or airbrush tanning. This way, you can look nice and tan without having to go through the health consequences or have to take hours out of your day to do this. However, you need to take your time when it comes to cover fake tan products. Otherwise, your tan could end up looking streaky, too orange, or even too fake. The following includes some basic knowledge about how to apply fake tan products so that your tan looks natural.

How To Apply Fake Tan? How to Apply Self Tanner

Exfoliate and Moisturize

If you want to use apply fake tan products and have the best possible tan, you need to first prep your skin so that it is ready for self-tanners. Thus, the first thing to do is to exfoliate your body. You should exfoliate regularly  for at least two weeks so that your face and body are soft and clean. Every time you exfoliate, you should then follow this by moisturizing your skin with a high quality lotion. This will adapt your skin so that you can apply self tan products.

Face Skin Care

The next step when it comes time to apply tan product is to make sure your skin is dry. Put on some gloves and then rub little amounts of sunless tanner on the face and body. If you use slight amounts of the product, you can keep yourself from ending up with streaks or patchy  marks on the body. Wearing gloves safeguard your hands from being stained with the self-tanner. You should apply fake tan products daily to prevent fading and streaking. If you end up with an area of skin that is more dark, you can always use lemons or toothpaste to remove some of the tanner or to lighten the area. If you  find a missing spot on your legs or face, a spray-on tanner can definitely fill in the gaps. Once accomplished  applying the tanner, let your skin dry before you put on clothes or do something like go swimming. This way, you can be sure you won’t spoil your clothing or have to deal with streaking.

Tan Physics True Color Sunless Tanner Review

Taggs: Airbrush Tanning ,Beauty skin ,beauty skin care ,Beauty Tips ,cream for skin ,dry skin cream ,eye skin cream beauty tips ,Face Skin Care ,Fake Tan ,free ,hair care ,Indoor Tanning Lotion ,makeup ,makeup tips ,Natural ,Natural Cosmetics ,Natural Eczema Treatment ,Natural skin Treatment ,salon equipment ,skin beauty ,skin care ,Skin Care Tips ,Skin Cream ,skin creams ,skin tanning lotion ,tanning ,Tanning Bed ,tanning beds home ,Tanning Lotion ,Tanning Salons

Tan Physics True Color Sunless Tanner Review

Tan Physics True Color Sunless Tanner Review

Tan Physics True Color Sunless Tanner  is perfectly formulated to provide you with an intense and natural tan that will exceed even your highest expectations. Not only will it leave your skin superbly tanned, but it is formulated with Tan Physics True Color Sunless Tanner comes with moisturizer You will not need it anymore So Tan Physics True Color Sunless Tanner is a tanner and antiager in 1 bottle that saves you time, money and discomfort.

Tan Physics True Color Sunless Tanner nourish your skin with an impeccable , magnificent and authentically natural tan - replenish and moisturize the skin with proven natural ingredients - improve and build on your sunless tan with the color of the full test and correction dyes - formulated with exclusive anti-moisturizing creams Aging that moisturize, replenish and restore the skin - tanned physics is a tanner and anti-aging in 1 bottle that limit your time, money and discomfort

The Tan Physics True Color Sunless Tanner is perfectly formulated to provide a rich natural-looking tan that will exceed even your highest expectations. Not only will it leave the skin tan beautifully but it is formulated with exclusive anti-aging moisturizers that moisturize, replenish and restore the skin. Say goodbye to your favorite moisturizer. You won't need it anymore.

Welcome to a new world of Tan Physics True Color Sunless Tanner  is perfectly formulated to give you a natural look that will leave your skin pleasant bronze and is formulated with exclusive anti-aging moisturizing that moisturizing nourish and restore your skin say goodbye to your favorite moisturizer you no longer need it so physical it is an anti-aging and tanner in 1 we have that most of you disappointed with self-adhesive tanners in the past remember how physical it is different is formulated to Be moisturizing indulgent and fool proof if you are a professional or a physical tan beginner will leave you with a natural color that must be seen to be believed without spots without orange color without smell

Step 1 Create a cleaning canvas to get the best result more easily the results you want your skin clean as smooth and exfoliated as possible so that your body can absorb all the pure ingredients Tan Physics True Color Sunless Tanner suggest that you avoid using nylon or Lufa sponge are too hard for your skin and unevenly exfoliate highly suggested tanning leader to use a quality scrub tan such as physics and pre-tan scrub cloth gently exfoliate a circular motion pay close attention to the knees the elbows the heels Hand lids and cake tops and anywhere else that dry skin is common make sure you thoroughly rinse all soap shampoo conditioner gels etc. before leaving the shower or unshaven bath wax scroll down into24 hours of hair removal using Tan Physics True Color Sunless Tanner or follicles and pores can end up in a little darker than the rest of your skin remember the best one to exfoliate and prepare your best softer and more lasting will be your tan

Step 2 tan nourish and restore so now you are clean and fully exfoliated next dry your this is important so that it can be absorbed evenly in your skin so you want it can let your skin dry in the air and make sure that the steam in the bathroom is gone before you start applying jewelry rings etc. and put your hair until you put on any deodorant perfumes rollers physical tanning makeup should be the first thing on your skin after showering a quarter size of the portion of physical tanning in your hand and begins in the center of your shin we recommend that it becomes a physics in the sections while from the bottom and top continues below we present the face and neck off of the application work pens with very light coatings for your feet and knees avoid the toenails the soles of the feet and the sides of the feet is very useful in these physical areas it contains a color guide so you know where you put it and where it does not take a look after the application if you have a dark spot then it looks in our color guide we guarantee a perfect result every time you wash your hands very well especially between your fingers and scrub your nails so it should last between 4 7 days if you want to get more information about the real moment without having to exfoliate again if you like the color and want to keep but are still looking for a daily moisturizing anti-aging.

Useful suggestions always go light to start. It is easier to darken than it is to remove a dark tan. So physical is too much to build. This means that you can add color every day, until you have obtained the color that suits you. Do not forget your ears and behind the ears. Be sure to get the back of your hands, inside your wrists and arms, your neck and your sides. Your face and neck can be easily changed to get a perfect color shape. slowdown and only residual use. lotion for your feet, knees and elbows. feather mixture and slowly and slightly. I don't just use my fingers. Let it soak and allow 15 - 20 minutes to enrich your skin to absorb all the vitamins, tanners, aloe and skin oils. Drying is important. it would be easier, Better and more hydrate your results. You can really speed up the drying process with a hair dryer and a fan. After 20 minutes you should be dry and ready to put somewhere comfortable and dark in loose color of clothes. for better use in 3 to 6 hours. (must be maintained over time.). . If you have spots or dark spots they can be brightened away with a cloth. If you have to lose moles, apply a small amount of tanner. Once again, wash your hands and nails very well. Now go out there and enjoy. Congratulations on making your first step to look great without damaging sun damage. Remember, so Tan Physics True Color Sunless Tanner  is not a sunscreen and has no spf factor. You should use sunscreen and sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays, always. So Tan Physics True Color Sunless Tanner is a way of life.

Monday 16 September 2019

5 tips for radiant and fair skin

The harmful environmental factors such as UV rays or pollution, factors of natural aging and stress can wreak havoc on your skin; simply with the daily stress factor and natural aging, the skin loses its shine, resulting in a dull and discolored complexion. Below are a series of 5 tips that can help you bring  radiant and fair skin.
5 tips for radiant and fair skin

Regardless of our skin type, we all need specific skin care and we must know it. Here I include five unusual tips will help you highlight the natural beauty of your skin.

People who suffer from dry and flaky skin, daily hydration is extremely important, but we must know how we do it and what products are most suitable for that type of skin.

These tips are simple and effective but they will make a notable difference in the overall health of your skin, making it look and feel better

The skin needs a daily care , to keep it young, bright and full of vitality, for this you must take into account some beauty tips , so that you perform daily

Tip 1: . Massages for your face every night , to stimulate tissues, muscles and skin, while the pores are closing. This stage helps increase the level of skin activity that is essential for cell renewal. After the initial cleaning with a cleansing cream and perform a deep massage and if necessary apply again and perform a massage.

Tip 2: Exfoliate two to three times a week , since the accumulation of dead skin cells is one of the main culprits for the skin to appear rough and matte; Gentle exfoliation removes dead skin cells and leaves skin softer and radiant.

Tip:3 Use soap or water-based cleansers to wash your face
Water-based cleansers are effective for both dry and oily skin, but EYE, they should specify what type of skin they are for, although they all look the same, both types of skin have different needs. "Avoid rough cleansers as these remove the natural moisturizers from our skin, leaving the red and inflamed face of the broken blood vessels, which can lead to the formation of premature wrinkles

Tip 4: Don't rub, always dry your skin with a clean towel and touches
Proper cleaning removes toxins and impurities from the skin's surface. Rubbing your dry face causes these toxins and impurities to cause free radicals that remove skin elasticity. So always dry without rubbing, but giving soft touches to the face.

Use a generous amount of sunscreen every day, which protects the skin from harmful sunlight and prevents age spots and premature aging.

Tip 5: Check the water supply
Do you feel inflamed or irritated skin from time to time? Try to examine the skin so you know if it is sufficiently hydrated . This is achieved, not only with the products we apply, but also with our daily water consumption. Your hematologist or Dermatologist can evaluate your skin and give you the recommendations so that the skin is maintained with healthy moisture.

Wear a face mask every night or at least four times a week, at least for a good season, until your face is recovering and showing brighter.

Sunday 15 September 2019

Pistachios on a Diet

Happy Pistachio Day: know its benefits

A dried fruit with so many good health properties deserves a special day, such as the World Pistachio Day, celebrated on February 26. And much more now when incorporated into the new official pyramid of the Mediterranean Diet . Its complete nutritional profile and its importance are the keys by which the Mediterranean Diet Foundation has decided that pistachio should lead the category of nuts in the new pyramid of the Mediterranean Diet.

Prevention of eye diseases

Pistachio Day Among the different healthy benefits of pistachio, its performance in the prevention of eye diseases stands out. In Spain, about one million people have visual health problems. In this sense, Dr. Ramon Estruch, director of the PREDIMED study (Prevention with Mediterranean Diet) and senior consultant of the Internal Medicine Service of the Hospital Clínic (Barcelona) highlights that “compared to other nuts, pistachio has a lower amount of fat and energy content, together with a high proportion of fiber (both soluble and insoluble), potassium, vitamins E and K, phytosterols and certain carotenoids, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, of great importance in the prevention of eye diseases. ”

The expert comments that pistachios, in addition to their protective effects on the cardiovascular system, probably related to their content in polyphenols and vitamin E, stand out for their high content of two carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, a fact that gives it an important protective action at eye level.

Preferable against cardiovascular diseases and other chronic diseases

There are many epidemiological and intervention studies that demonstrate the beneficial effects of nuts for health and, especially, for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and other chronic diseases.

Regular consumption of pistachios provides:

  • It reduces blood pressure (by facilitating the synthesis of nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator).
  • It facilitates endothelial function and reduces arterial stiffness (new vascular risk factors).
  • Improves the lipid profile (by reducing total cholesterol and especially harmful cholesterol - LDL-cholesterol).
  • Reduces the incidence of diabetes (as it is a food with a low glycemic index).
  • It promotes the growth of healthy bacteria of the intestinal flora (thanks to its high fiber content that, when fermented, becomes short-chain fatty acids, such as butyrate).

All these mechanisms explain that people who frequently consume these nuts have a reduction of almost 20% in total mortality and a reduction close to 30% in the risk of major cardiovascular complications, such as myocardial infarction, cerebral vascular accident or death of cardiovascular cause.

Eating between meals is good

The doctor points out that a study carried out with 1,000 American employees, in which it is observed that the consumption of 42 g of pistachios in the middle of the morning, a moment known as Crunch Time, improves cognitive function, memory learning capacity and the memory, which implies a greater concentration in the work.

The expert also notes that, “protective effects on mortality in general and on cardiovascular disease have been observed with the consumption of a ration of nuts (28 g) equivalent to 49 pistachios between 1 and 7 days a week is achieved a 40% reduction in the risk of suffering from this disease. However, most studies in which the effects of pistachios on lipid profile, hypertension and diabetes have been demonstrated, for example, have been used up to 3 and 4 times this dose (between 70 and 100 g per day). For practical purposes, our recommendation would be to consume a "handful" of pistachios every day, ideally mid-morning and / or mid-afternoon. ”

How is the new pyramid of the Mediterranean Diet?

The Mediterranean Diet Foundation has decided to adapt the traditional food pyramid to new lifestyles. The new scheme incorporates qualitative and quantitative elements in food selection. The new pyramid follows the previous pattern and places at the base, the foods that should support the diet, such as pistachios; at the same time, which relegates to the upper strata, graphically narrower, those that should be consumed in moderation.

Add cultural and social indications, closely linked to the Mediterranean lifestyle from a concept of diet understood in a broad sense. It also reflects the composition and number of portions of the main meals.



  1. It has a considerable amount of fiber, phonic acid and good fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated), which reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  2. Consuming between 30 and 50 grams of pistachios accompanied by other nuts, can reduce the risk of various heart diseases.
  3. They help digestion: due to its fiber content, a ration of pistachios regulates intestinal transit.
  4. Good for teeth: pistachios contain phosphorus, which strengthens teeth.
  5. According to studies from the University of Tarragona, they are the best dried fruit that patients with diabetes can consume, due to their high fiber, beta-carotene and procyanidin content.
  6. Its high content of healthy fats, fiber, proteins and antioxidants, work together and improve sexual performance.
  7. Reduce stress: being rich in potassium and magnesium, pistachios reduce blood pressure and heart rate.
  8. They have lutein, vitamin E and gamma-tocopherol, powerful antioxidants that delay aging and make your skin look healthier.
  9. Pistachio oil is a natural moisturizer that keeps your hair healthy, in addition to protecting it from the sun's rays.
  10. Protect the skin: pistachios help it regenerate, thanks to its content in vitamin A, E, and B2.
  11. Its regular consumption may decrease the IMS (muscle mass index) in hypocaloric diets.
  12. They slow down the intake: the pistachio peel causes a reduction in caloric intake, because they work as a visual signal of its consumption.
  13. They help suppress hunger and reduce the need for overeating.
  14. Several studies testify that people who usually consume them are less likely to be obese. In fact, a portion of pistachios provides only 73 kcal (approximately 18 pistachios).
  15. They provide vegetable proteins, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, which make them a highly recommended food for athletes.


  • February 26 is World Pistachio Day, for you to celebrate by eating it as a snack.
  • Its tree is native to the Middle East, which went on to be cultivated in the Mediterranean and from there to the rest of the world.
  • It is one of the oldest nut trees. In fact, a record of its existence is found in the first book of the Bible, Genesis.
  • In China it is known as the "happy dried fruit" and in Iran as "smiling dried fruit" (for a reason it will be).
  • The pistachio is of a high cost usually, since the plant takes around 7 years to produce the fruit (a long wait for pistachio lovers).

Wednesday 11 September 2019

iOS 13 has a confirmed date

The operating system
IOS 13 has a confirmed date: how your iPhone will change and what models will be able to download it

iOS 13 has a confirmed date

The technology company also announced the download schedule for its Apple Watch smart watch, iPad and Apple TV.

After the presentation of its new phones , Apple did not miss the opportunity to announce in the framework of a special event held in Cupertino (United States) the release dates of the new versions of its operating systems , among which iOS 13 stands out , which will arrive on September 19, one day before the arrival of the iPhone 11 family.

Apple revealed in a statement that the new version of its operating system for its range of phones "will be available on September 19 as a free software update for iPhone 6s and later." In addition, they confirmed that other "additional software tools will be available on September 30 with iOS 13.1.7".

In the case of the new iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max that will arrive on the market on September 20, one day after the launch of iOS 13, they will already have the new factory operating system.

The company had announced in June in the framework of the developer conference (WWDC 2019) that this new version will feature a new dark mode with a renewed wallpaper and dark colors for the rest of Apple applications, in addition to a dark keyboard where you can now write by sliding.

In addition, the company said iOS 13 will be 30 percent faster in Face ID facial recognition, with 50 percent smaller downloads, and also 60 percent smaller updates in size.

Apple's other operating systems

On the other hand, the giant of Cupertino also announced the release date of iPadOS that will be available on September 30 and will be included in the new 10.2-inch iPad of the seventh generation that will go on sale that same day. iPadOS will be available as a free software update for the iPad Air 2 and later, all iPad Pro models, the fifth generation iPad and later, and the iPad mini 4 and later.

Meanwhile, the WatchOS 6, meanwhile, will be available for the Apple Watch Series 3 smart watch and later models on September 19, and for the Apple Watch Series 1 and 2 at the end of the year. The new Apple Watch Series 5 (GPS) will go on sale on September 20, along with the Apple Watch Series 5 (GPS + Cellular) and the Apple Watch Hermès. Finally, Apple Watch Nike can be purchased from October 4.

The tvOS system, for the company's television services, will also arrive on the same day, September 19, with its new version tvOS 13 . The company said that to subscribe to its new  Apple TV + streaming video service, customers must upgrade to iOS 12.3 or later, tvOS 12.3 or later and macOS Catalina.

5 essential tools to cook on the grill

There are hundreds of barbecue equipment in the market. But what tools are really essential for your barbecue? I will reveal you the utensils which, for me, are unavoidable around the barbecue.

The unavoidable tools that must sit around your barbecue according to me are? A good knife, barbecue gloves, a long tong, a coal shovel and a meat thermometer.

 A good sharp knife 

A good sharp knife is essential in cooking, and certainly also around the barbecue. Whether you have to cut fish, meat or vegetables, a sharp knife is essential. Never work with a dull knife blade. You will have more trouble cutting your preparations and at the same time more chance to skid and hurt you!

 Barbecue gloves 

No need to remind you, temperatures can be very hot around and above the barbecue. With barbecue gloves, you can cook comfortably and safely. Thanks to good quality heat resistant gloves, you can even hold a hot grill in your hand. Never do this with kitchen gloves, which are not designed to withstand such temperatures! You will have every chance to pierce them and burn yourself. Choose an adapted material!

A long clip

A long barbecue tong is not a luxury! It will allow you to reach your cooking foods so you can flip them over and move easily while keeping your arm away from the heat so you do not get burned. Forget the fork! It is too short and certainly does not have a heat resistant handle.

A coal shovel

I always uses a coal shovel to keep the embers in good position. Stop using your meat tongs to carry out this task, it is made to move your food and has nothing to do in the embers!
Moving the embers is very useful. You can place them on either side of the barbecue to create a very hot area over which to grab your meat, and another less hot to cook foods more gently. You can also, of course, use it to distribute very hot ember evenly.

A meat thermometer

The thermometer accurately indicates the temperature at the heart of a large piece of meat, very difficult to estimate visibly! I personally advise you to choose a thermometer with alarm, to gain more freedom and spend time with your guests without stress. Some wireless models emit a signal when your meat is ready, convenient!

Other useful tools

If they are not essential for cooking on the barbecue, many other objects can also be useful. Do not want to dirty your outfit? Remember to offer a barbecue apron! An ignition chimney can also be very valuable if you do not want to waste time waiting for the coal of your barbecue to reach the ideal temperature. Want to be at the forefront of the 2019 barbecue trends? Buy a salt stone! It is used as a plancha, placed directly on the grill. It will bring a new flavor to your food!


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BBQ Techniques

BBQ Cook Book



Kamado Smokker BBQ Cookbook

Mr. Food Let's Get Grilling Recipes

Why does a Whippet Dog need a coat?

If you decide to have a pet, you should try to anticipate in advance all the problems that may arise in the process of its content. If your choice fell on a dog, it is important to consult a dog sitter or veterinarian. After all, the breed of the dog is not chosen solely by the appearance and the banal "I like it / I don't like it". When choosing a dog of a certain breed, it is necessary to analyze its temperament, the future living conditions of the animal, the presence of other family members, etc. If you are an active person, but you have no experience as a dog breeder, if you have children and live in an apartment, Whippet can be a great solution. This is an incredibly cheerful and agile dog, which has high speed data and hunting. What is the peculiarity of the content and education of dogs of this breed,
Why does a Whippet Dog need a coat?

The origin of the Whippet Dog breed.

If you are familiar with dog breeds, you will notice that Whippet is very similar to another breed of greyhounds. In fact, these great hunting dogs were the parents of the modest Whippet. However, keeping such an animal is not everything, especially in England, where the breed was very common. For people with average income and breeders of less spacious homes, they decided to bring small greyhounds. They began to choose the smallest representatives of this breed and cross them with the GIs and the Bedlington terriers. The result is whippet: small, graceful and fast dogs with long legs.

Initially, the dog was often used in hunting, the Whippets were so fast that they could easily catch even a hare. In the 19th century, dog breeds became popular in London, in which the whippet gained extraordinary popularity, the dog could accelerate to 60 km / h. At the same time, the animal could dramatically change the trajectory of its movement, without falling and without losing speed. They began to breed dogs of this breed everywhere: on the one hand, the dog was economical, the guest spent on food was moderate and the dog rarely got sick. At the same time, the Whippets could bring real money to the house, already who always used bets in the race. At the end of the 19th century, the Whippets were officially recognized by many canine organizations.

What does a whippet dog look like?

If you ever see a dog of Whippet breed, you will always remember this slim camp with pronounced body curves. The height of the animal at the cross is 40 to 50 cm. The dog's head is quite large, the snout extends forward, the animal has a long jaw shape. Small ears are usually found on the head, ears and tail do not stop. The dog's body is quite long, elegant, there is a pronounced internal curve in the groin area. Whippets have a very thin body, sometimes the ribs are visible. This sometimes leads to the opinion that the dog is starving. However, this is not the case. Of nature, the animal has almost no subcutaneous fat, which is quickly consumed in games and active breeds. Despite this,
As for color, there is no specific standard for Whippets in this regard. The dog can be any color. The only albino in the additional mating is not used. Very often Whippet compared to other similar dogs - Greyhound or Italian Greyhound. Distinguishing whippet is not difficult. Unlike the greyhound, the dog is quite small, it is immediately obvious if two representatives stand next to each other. In addition, the greyhound is always calm and sedentary, and Whippet is still a playful child who constantly runs and jumps. The Italian greyhound is less than the Whippet, they often tremble, in a word, they are not hunting dogs. The Italian greyhound must have a monochrome color, but Whippet has any color of fur allowed.

Whippet dog character

This is a very active, sociable and cheerful dog that gets along well with children. However, it is worth starting with such a dog only if the children are old enough and understand that the dog should not be damaged. Whippets are friendly to the person, but only in relation to their owner. This breed is a dog that does not bark without much need, only in really extreme cases. Whippets live well in apartments, you can't leave your pet in the street, since he really misses his master. Dogs of this breed always want to be in the company of man, they love to play in the street. If the house has a pretty adult child of school age, Whippet is a wonderful pet that will not get tired of playing for hours.

Why does a Whippet Dog need a coat?

But whippets treat strangers with extreme caution: if there are often strangers in the house, this is not the type of dog you need. With dogs, the dog gets along, because by nature he was raised to participate in races, but there is no time to fix things. For Whippet to hurry a relative, something out of the ordinary must occur. But for cats and other small pets, hunting instincts can take their own strength, and the dog starts looking for a victim.

High speed and unprecedented emotion are the reasons why a dog should not be allowed to go outside without a collar. If Whippet sees a squirrel or a cat, it will be impossible to keep up with the dog. In addition, the pet will be so fascinated that you will not be able to take a picture, the dog will simply not respond. That is why the dog should always walk with a collar and let loose only in safe areas. Although in nature Whippet is very active, at home he is a real lazy person who likes to sleep. For this character trait, the dog is often loved by older people: the dog spends energy on the street, but does not bother the house.

In dog training, the dog is very intelligent, remembers well and executes commands, tries to please its owner. But dogs of this breed have a fairly thin and sensitive nervous system. You can't yell at Whippet and, even more, apply force. The dog can get confused and refuse to execute the order, in some cases the dog does not want to carry out what was previously well learned and arranged. There is no other reason for the dog not to execute the command. It is believed that Whippet is the most easily trained dog of the entire breed group. You can achieve good results with the help of affection, care and tasty promotion.

There is an opinion that Whippets cannot become good guards or guards, because there is little aggression in them. In fact, there is some truth to this. If you need to raise certain guard qualities in the dog, you should deal with a puppy from an early age.

How to care for a whippet dog?

To make your pet's life as comfortable as possible, you must provide adequate care.
Why does a Whippet Dog need a coat?

Clothes A characteristic of this breed is the absence of sub-hair and subcutaneous fat. Because of this, the dog becomes incredibly sensitive to cold, frost and wind, especially in our area of ​​residence. To solve the problem, you must have some walking suits: a warm jumpsuit and something like a blanket that protects the pet from rain and wind. The dog is sensitive to cold, this is another reason why whippets must necessarily live in an apartment or in a house. Due to the fact that the dog's ribs are almost in sight, it will be uncomfortable for the pet to sleep on the bare and hard floor. Be sure to arrange for the dog's bed soft and warm, without drafts. Some owners who care too much also buy shoes for the dog, this cannot be done.

Wool, teeth and claws. Whippets have a short, soft coat that doesn't cause any inconvenience. 1-2 times a week is enough to comb a pet. The shedding occurs twice a year, at which time the dog must be combed daily to avoid the appearance of wool scattered around the house. Bathing is done as needed, once every few months. The care of the teeth is exactly the same as other dogs: periodically it is necessary to inspect the oral cavity to detect the presence of tartar and take the dog to the veterinarian for cleaning. The ears are rubbed every two weeks with a clean, damp cotton. If the dog's claws are erased on the asphalt, they do not require additional processing.

Feed:  The easiest way to feed the dog is dry food, which has a balanced and well-chosen composition. You need to buy the highest quality food marked "For active dogs." If you decide to feed your dog with natural foods, you should carefully approach the diet selection. On the Whippet menu should be the minimum amount of fat, moderate carbohydrate content. The basis of the diet - the squirrels. Be sure to give the dog raw meat, you can with veins and cartilage, this product is better absorbed. The menu should contain eggs, seeded boiled fish, boiled vegetables, dairy products, cereals. Be sure to add sunflower oil to food, a large amount of vitamin E makes hair soft and shiny. You can't overfeed the dog, Overweight damages your health. Whippet puppies feed 6-8 times a day, which gradually reduces the number of feeds. Simply feed an adult dog twice, in the morning and at night.

Diseases Whippets are considered a healthy breed of dogs, do not develop dysplasia and are allergic to some foods, such as other greyhounds. However, pathologies such as congenital hearing impairment, frequent eye diseases and diseases that cause unreasonable bleeding (most often in the mucous mouth and internal organs) may be characteristic of a dog of this breed. To avoid possible problems, you should regularly show the dog to the veterinarian.
To meet the animal's need for activity, you must walk with the Wippets twice a day for an hour. For the dog to move more, it is better to ride a bike with him, this is a much more intense training session that will benefit the dog.

It is better to choose a healthy and strong puppy puppy with a specialist. The future pet should have a wet nose, a moderately elastic belly, clear skin, ears and eyes. At the time the puppy is removed from the nursery, all vaccinations should be administered and anthelmintic therapy should be carried out. Good and competent care will make a spanking puppy a true friend and a faithful companion.

#What is a Whippet?
#Why does a Whippet need a coat?
#Whippet Coats
#Whippet dog coats for winter
#Whippet waterproof coats
#Whippet Jumpers
#Whippet Coats: Wrapping It Up

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Monday 9 September 2019


 BBQ Tool Box | Camping & Outdoor | Novelty RED Portable Grill |

 BBQ Tool Box | Camping & Outdoor | Novelty RED Portable Grill |

  • An unequaled barbecue toolbox
  • For barbecues outside the house, campsites, picnics and all similar occasions
  • A charcoal barbecue
  • Easy to clean and space-saving
  • And so beautiful with this flashy red ...

This is the ultimate summer accessory for DIY and barbecue fans . Because after all, if there is a time of year for these activities, it is well under the summer sun - did you try to garden in winter? Symbol of a whole generation of men - and why not women too - the Red Toolbox is a must. Screwdrivers , nuts, screws, measuring tape and pliers of all kinds: it is THE box of the perfect hustler .

But why only limit yourself to tools? No sooner said than done: here is the Toolbox Barbecue . Yes, you have heard, from this box you will come out merguez , grilled eggplant and vegetarian meatballs. Whether you are vegan or carnivorous, you will quickly appreciate to make your barbecue, in this red box easily transportable !

Toolbox Barbecue
With swivel handles turning into feet
Integrated and adjustable ventilation
Box with 1 central compartment and 2 compartments (each with a lid) - The compartments are foldable: the two compartments are either on the top of the central compartment or are arranged outside
Contains 2 grids (one for the central location, and one for a pivotable compartment), and barbecue plate (for charcoal)

NOTE: Do not use alcohol or gasoline to start combustion - the crate becomes very hot and can not be moved during operation. Do not use in confined spaces. Use up to 500 grams of charcoal. Take about 30 minutes to heat
The barbecue is coated with a heat-resistant paint. May fade with time
Tip: To make cleaning easier, use aluminum foil over the charcoal plate

5 essential tools to cook on the grill

Free E-Books Download 

BBQ Techniques

BBQ Cook Book



Kamado Smokker BBQ Cookbook

Mr. Food Let's Get Grilling Recipes