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Tuesday 24 September 2019

How to relax: 18 techniques to relieve tension and stress

18 techniques to relieve tension and stress

Work, family and other concerns can make you enter a vicious cycle of stress. Before such a picture, you should not let it happen because this situation can lead you to have serious health problems both physically and emotionally. To calm anxiety, as well as to prevent it, it is essential that you learn to calm down. That is why we present several useful ways to relax .

18 ways to relax mentally and physically
Learning to relax is a very healthy way to help your body and mind relax. For this, you don't need long relaxation sessions. By implementing habits to your day to day you can help your body and your mind to calm down.

1. Analyze what causes you the burden
The first step in solving a problem is to become aware of it. Think if what makes you feel bad is important enough to steal your positive energy and peace. Keep in mind that there will always be a solution for everything. Also, as the American psychologist and writer Wayne Dyer said: "There is no stress in the world, only people creating stressful thoughts and then acting on them."

2. Reserve time for yourself
To know how to be accompanied, you must learn to be alone. Take your time to do your things without having to give accounts to anyone. Going alone to the cinema or taking a trip without anyone are activities that will allow you to be at peace.

3. Breathe
Breathing is an essential body function for us to live. But when talking about breathing to relax we mean that you have to stop a few minutes and concentrate on it. Make deep breaths and breaths through the nose. Before you start breathing like this, sit or lie down comfortably and close your eyes. You will see that after inhaling and exhaling like this for five minutes you start feeling better.

4. Leave the computer
Perhaps you have never stopped to think about this. However, being in front of the computer for many hours increases your stress level. Also, this activity increases the chances that you have problems with wakefulness, migraines or itchy eyes, among others.

To avoid this fatigue, reduce the hours you are in front of the screen. In the case that you work with this device, take small breaks every hour and do not take that time to look at the mobile or other electronic devices.

5. Walk
A daily walk of 30 minutes is very convenient to relax. Putting on quiet music while taking a walk will favor the fact that you disconnect.

6. Think things that relax you
Our mind is very powerful. That is why if you start to have calming thoughts you will get your body to relax through your words. Start using terms like "don't worry", "relax", "calm down" or "breathe" and you'll see the difference.

7. Dream Awake
In a time of stress, think of something that makes you abstract from the burden and calms you down. An example can be to imagine that you are in the countryside, on the beach or in any situation that produces tranquility.

8. Listen to music
Music helps us calm the mind. Therefore, it is recommended to listen to instrumental, classical or calm songs to release hormones that help us calm down. Try not to opt for topics that are very sad or very slow. As for the volume, it is better that it is not very high.

9. Do an activity that pleases you
To relax, read, cook, dance, swim, crochet, paint, draw, play an instrument or sing are some of the activities you can do. Choose that hobby that helps you disconnect and makes you feel good. Having your mind busy on something you like will make you have a different view of things and calm down.

10. Sleep properly
Sometimes, we subtract hours of sleep by trying to do as many activities as possible. However, rest is essential for your body to function properly. In fact, not sleeping the necessary hours can cause concentration problems, encourage you to eat more, be more upset and perform worse.

11. Get massages
Massages help calm muscle contractures and get away from the world for a while. It is always more advisable for a professional to do it because they are the ones who know how to perform them correctly without harming any part of the body.

12. Go to therapy
Talking with a psychologist will help you get everything you have inside that is hurting you mentally and physically. Therefore, do not hesitate to go to therapy with a specialist.

13. Eat healthy
It may seem unrelated, but eating in a balanced way also has a positive effect on relaxing.

14. Drink warm fluids
When we are nervous, many people recommend us to drink an infusion. These types of drinks benefit us from releasing tension and provide serenity. Keep in mind that those liquids that contain caffeine in the coffee are energizing and can activate and make us more nervous. Therefore, avoid them.

15. Take a relaxing bath
Like warm drinks, a warm bath allows you to calm down. If you wish, you can add some bath salts so that the effect is even greater.

16. Stay away from toxic people
The toxic people  you hurt a lot because you emotionally imbalanced. Therefore, once you learn to recognize them, stay as far away from them as possible.

17. Practice aromatherapy
The aromatherapy uses scents to soothe stress. Some of the perfumes included in this therapy are mint, eucalyptus and lavender.

A very useful technique is to get an aromatherapy oil and put a little on the temple, on the elbows and on the inside of the wrists with a circular massage. You can also place fragrances in your home to relax.

18. Spend time with animals
Being in contact with animals helps to reduce stress levels since touching your blood pressure can decrease.

Another technique that is also recommended to relax is animal-assisted psychotherapy. With their help, exercises are done to calm people's anxiety. It should be noted that horses are the animals that are most used for this purpose.

Activities such as meditation or yoga are also very good for relaxing. Remember that stress affects both your body and your mind . Therefore, follow these guidelines regularly to avoid the side effects that may result from anxiety.

Read also:

Lavender to reduce preoperative anxiety?

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