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Monday 2 September 2019

TOP 5 reasons to play sports

A healthy lifestyle is becoming more popular every year. It is known that a healthy lifestyle is inextricably linked to regular exercise. Many do not even imagine what a significant role the sport plays in every person’s life and what tremendous benefits it can bring.

Often the need for physical activity is explained by one reason only: sports help maintain good body shape and look good. At the same time, there are many other reasons, the knowledge of which can become a very important and useful basis in order to begin to regularly perform physical exercises, or can serve as additional motivation to engage in a particular sport.

Let's analyze the 5 most significant reasons that can convince you that you need to play sports.

1. Sports - a catalyst for brain activity
Despite the widespread prejudice about the "stupidity" of athletes, an indisputable and scientifically proven fact is that sports stimulate the brain. This is because mitochondria are produced in the cells of the human body during physical activity. They are also produced in the cells of the brain. That is why you should not be surprised that after a good workout, your disposition to mental activity will increase significantly.

2. Sport is an antidepressant
In addition to mitochondria, endorphins are produced in humans during sports. You do physical activity - endorphins are released into the bloodstream - your mood improves. The reliability of this scheme will be confirmed by any person who is fond of sports.

3. Sports - energy boost
If the previous reason implied the emotional and psychological uplift of a person as a result of playing sports, then in this paragraph we are talking about a physical condition. There is a misconception that sports entail chronic fatigue. On the contrary, regular physical activity contributes to the awakening of greater physical activity.

4. Sports - medicine
It's no secret that people who are fond of sports are much less prone to various diseases. This is not surprising, since physical activity benefits all vital systems of the human body.

5. Sport - lifestyle.
Passion for sports can improve a person’s quality of life. Indeed, regardless of external circumstances and the pressure of everyday life, a person filled with incentives and regularly engaged in sports is getting closer and closer to achieving his goals.

In fact, this is not the whole list of reasons in favor of regular physical activity. And for each individual person, these reasons may be different. The main thing is to find them. After all, the main incentive to go to the gym or jog are not scientifically proven reasons, but only your desire.

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