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Wednesday 28 August 2019

How to have sleep quickly?

How to have sleep quickly?

Finding sleep easily is not always easy. waking up in the middle of the night? 40% of women suffer from sleep disorders, according to the National Institute of Sleep and Vigilance. Sleeping well is essential for physical and mental health. We will see in this article practical tips that will help you quickly reach the arms of Morpheus. This is simple advice to implement and that will not cost you a single penny. The ideal for you to feel better the day ... And more fit!

Finding sleep quickly and naturally: how?

Comfort: essential to improve your sleep
Before going to bed, the ideal is to put the brain in condition by promoting calm, a quiet activity, and a soft light because it is in the darkness that the brain produces melatonin, the sleep hormone . Its secretion can be curbed or canceled by the light.

Comfort is also essential: suitable mattresses and cushions, good pajamas and room temperature are essential to ensure a good night's sleep.

You must feel good and the space around you must be nice to you. A room that soothes you; from the dark, a white noise generator if you do not like complete silence ... create yourself a pleasant environment .

Sport: good or bad to sleep?
Having a sport routine is always good for our nights because the sport relaxes and has an anti-stress power over time. However, it is not recommended to exercise just before bedtime because sports as a stimulating activity prevent sleep.

Reduce the use of screens at night
This advice, you have certainly already read and heard many times. Yet, screens really make sleep more difficult to achieve . The reason is that our screens, whether LED or not, contain and return blue light. This blue light retards our sleep. Of course, there are modes to remove blue light from your computers, tablets and smartphones past a certain time. However, that is not enough. The strong contrast of the screens prevents the brain from preparing for a standby phase. Ideally, it is best not to use screens at least an hour before going to bed. So, you will fall asleep faster.

Eat lighter at night
In the evening, avoid very rich meals . The more fat, salt and sweetness you eat, the slower your digestion will be. It can also cause heartburn if the meal was acidic, stomach upset or other. To limit this, choose lighter meals. A saying says that it is necessary to privilege a meal of king in the morning, a meal of prince at midday and a meal of poor at night. This is rather truthful. This adjustment of eating habits promotes a faster sleep.

Air your house
It is common to think that the heat is sleeping. This is true. However, for a recuperative sleep, it is necessary that your room is fresh. A temperature of 19 ° is amply sufficient. Do not overheat. Better yet, ventilate the room for ten minutes before going to bed. The fresh and invigorating air will allow you to find sleep more quickly. Keep this habit everyday.

Do not use drugs or sleeping pills
It is well known, some cough syrups hover. As well as sleeping pills. Only, it is strongly discouraged to use this type of product. Not only is the solution only valid in the short term, but an addiction phenomenon can quickly take hold. Gradually, you may not be able to sleep if you do not have one of these products because there is a phenomenon of habituation. It is therefore better to favor natural sleep and avoid any product.

Reading, a true ally
It may seem old school, yet reading really makes you fall asleep faster. It stimulates the brain but rests the eyes. Thus, sleep arrives faster. Take the time to vary your readings. Because even if you are refractory to reading, find a type of works that suits you and that will give you the desire to devour the pages. It may very well be a magazine even though a more classic book is recommended.

Get to sleep fast: ultimate advice
Finally, you will not find sleep more easily after one night! These tips, which can become habits, will change your sleep pattern as time goes by. But by adopting these good reflexes, your body will learn to interpret more effectively the moments conducive to sleep. Thus, you will be more reactive and awake during your days. Good habits that will make you feel better in your body and more attentive during your days. Although some recommendations may be binding, you will not regret the efforts made!

yoga positions to prepare your night
To sleep well, you have to empty your brain of harmful thoughts and refocus on yourself. This is why yoga is popular among people who suffer from insomnia. Through a series of simple positions (Janu Sirsasana, Baddha Konasana, Upavistha Konasana, the eye of the needle, and finally Viparita Karani *) you can synchronize your breathing and anticipate sleep.

* For those who do not fully understand the Yogi language, you can find these positions on the Internet.

A special sleep cocktail 
What if you tried the magic sleep cocktail made from milk? Thirty minutes before sleep, drink a cup of hot milk with a spoonful of honey and you the kingdom of Morpheus.

For lactose intolerant, chamomile, orange blossom or linden also facilitate sleep.

Essential oils for a peaceful night
Last "soft" method to try to find sleep? Essential oils ! In this area, specialists recommend lavender either directly on the pillow or in massage. Other mixes to spread his recommend to clean the air and soothe the spirits.

Meditation to evacuate stress
This popular practice, inherited from Buddhist culture, is similar to a cognitive therapy whose impacts have been validated scientifically. American neurologists have shown in 2014 that mindfulness meditation decreases the secretion of cortisol, a stress hormone , which improves the quality of sleep. It also regulates the activity of the tonsillar complex, a region of the brain involved in anxiety.

To meditate is not very complicated: it is enough to make the silence in oneself by taking a benevolent look at the present moment; Negative thoughts are allowed to slip without judgment until a deep relaxation is achieved.

Alcohol and tobacco are also prohibited especially in the moments before bedtime, and each for a reason that disrupts the system of sleep cycles.

Alcohol allows us to dive easily and deeply into sleep at the beginning of our night but disrupts it in a second time. Tobacco , by increasing blood pressure, disturbs our sleep because it exposes us to a nervous state.

After all that, all you have to do is wish you a good night. 

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