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Friday 7 March 2014

What you need to know about menopause

All women know that at a certain age they must come to menopause. However, when she comes, bringing with it a change of mood, the wrinkles on the skin and many other unpleasant things, not everyone is able to understand what exactly it does happen. As a result, many are beginning to lurch from one doctor to another and treat literally everything at once: from headache to shattered nerves...

Menopause - this last period, which occurs on average at the age of 50-51 years. Premenopausal precedes it and begins with a 45-year-old. A postmenopausal period begins after menopause and lasts the rest of a woman's life. There is a gradual ovarian failure, they gradually cease to produce female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. Thus, disturbed feedback hypothalamus hormones. And if we take 100 percent of women 75 years of life - and it is this figure is given now as a life expectancy of women in contemporary society - then share just menopause accounts for about a 33-percent. It turns out that almost a third of his life, there is a woman in this period, for the coming of which most of us are totally unprepared.

Is it possible to know in advance the exact period of the menopause?

Unfortunately, to know in advance when that moment is almost impossible. And yet there is the likelihood of at least relatively predictable. Collecting history of women,

menopause often gives no negative impact on the life and all the functions of the female body. And what during the aging process occurs: there is a decline in the number of cells in the liver, kidney, endocrine glands, myocardium, bodily muscles. Which in turn determines the nature of the violation and even function of the different organs. Within the context of age-related changes occur and menopausal changes in the reproductive system.

sex hormones produced by the ovaries, also affect the function of various organs and body systems. Thus, if there is lack of estrogen, the developing osteoporosis, hormone cardiopathy, depression, age-related psychosis, including menopausal syndrome. Does the lack of a hedgehog comes second female hormone (progesterone), then develop hyperplastic processes in target organs: uterine fibroids, breast tumors, and so on. That's why it's so important the correct relationship between all elements of the regulation of the menstrual cycle, from the hypothalamus and ending ovaries and target organs, the main ones being the uterus and mammary glands.

However, softer and physiological during menopause can prepare itself. It may seem trivial, but training - this physical exercise and obesity prevention throughout life, a normal pregnancy and delivery, proper organization of work and leisure, early cure infectious diseases, burdened heredity. In other words, if a woman has such baggage, then it has a very real chance to pass the complex period of menopause safely without resorting to doctors. Unfortunately, a significant number of women still have a pathological course of menopause with different kinds of complications. And often it is because in his early years had not thought about the future troubles.

On what grounds can a woman determine menopausal syndrome? 

The first group includes vasomotor and emotional and mental disorders. What are they expressed? In hot flashes, excessive sweating, headaches, hypertension or hypotension, chills, heart palpitations, irritability, drowsiness, weakness, anxiety, depression, inattention, forgetfulness.

The second - change urogenital (vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse, itching and burning, frequent urination) and aging of the skin (dry and brittle nails, hair loss and dryness, wrinkles).

And the third - later metabolic disorders.
This osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. This raises the question: Is it possible to do something to avoid, or at-least alleviate menopause?
What did our grandmothers and mothers? Neglect all and wept, tormented, sick. You can follow their example. And you can take preventative measures.

As prevention for women, start preparing for her difficult period, it may be advisable to carry out in the gym every morning for 15-20 minutes. Desirable that it also engaged in health treatment groups (approximately 2-3 times a week for 40-45 minutes) or visit the pool; resorted to general massage, walks before bedtime, a balanced diet with a predominance of fruit and vegetables, but the restriction of carbohydrates . Useful dousing, wash, shower. Desirable to make pine, sage hot foot baths. Very good use of mineral and radon water. But the spa treatment is better not to spend all or only in their climate zone.

Moreover, there is as well as hormonal treatment. In recent years, a very widely used so-called hormone replacement therapy. It is prescribed after menopause in certain hormonal indicators, which again defines a gynecologist, endocrinologist, because not everyone can be administered. For this it is necessary to examine the state of the mammary glands, uterus, blood clotting, liver and kidney function. The composition of the drugs used as hormone replacement therapy, include natural hormones, which, unlike synthetic hormones used in birth control pills, more easily tolerated by women and have minimal side effects.
Here again I want to emphasize that this group of drugs by a doctor appointed and indications.

Very fashionable we became recently a healthy lifestyle concept. Ladies rushed to gyms, began to actively use a variety of nutritional supplements, eat right. Logical continuation of this marvelous healthy life should be advance prevention of menopausal disorders in which last place is occupied by alternative methods, acupuncture.

To live to a ripe old age in great moral and physical form is not it wants every woman loving yourself?

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