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Friday 12 December 2014

Stay in shape to conquer the world Part

 Start the day with a stress free mind in a pollution free atmosphere and sprinkle exercise and a healthy diet to feel happiness.

Exercise increases the metabolic rate, strengthens the leg muscle, and energizes the body. A form of exercise is brisk walking . About 30 minutes of brisk walking makes the mind alert and the body and work throughout the day. The other form of exercise is aerobic. It includes movement of rapid steps performed in accordance with the beats of music provided by the trainer. Aerobic became popular in 1980 and gained popularity mainly in celebrity. Aerobics are two kinds. First of its kind is free and the second is pre-choreographed Aerobics.The main purpose of aerobics is to increase the consumption of oxygen in the body. Aerobics are very intensive work, but never stress the joints and legs compared to jogging or running.

Aerobics has innumerable health benefits such as consumption and use oxygen more effectively by the body. This tower is the rapid fat exhaustion. Downside risk of diabetes and obesity. Helps muscle recovery and stimulates great body quickly. Aerobic exercise is a good stress reliving. It provides great stress-shaped head of the body, free and maintains overall health.

Benefits of exercise: Improves cardiovascular system and respiratory system - it improves the circulation of blood in the body, including blood vessels. It helps blood fluidity. It decreases the high-density lipoprotein and cholesterol in the blood. Exercise increases the level of good cholesterol. Manage ideal body weight by maintaining an ideal weight weight-related disorder many will never hurt you. Maintain strong and healthy bones and muscles. Exercise increases bone density and bone mass . Relieves stress and depression Exercise activates neurotransmitter such as serotonin and norepinephrine, which communicates between the nerve cells and avoids depression. It helps in getting a peaceful and deep sleep due to a heavy work. Reduces the risk of some types of cancer.

Always remember, "apple a day keeps the doctor away!" Many fruits and vegetables help replenish the body and are advantageous in cell growth and blood production, daily energy production, bone and strong teeth, muscle contraction, nerve function, healthy skin, good eyesight, effective use of protein, fat and carbohydrates, formation of red blood cells, maintaining a healthy nervous system.

Always start the day with a healthy breakfast to keep your mind and body healthy and active. Select the food so that it provides energy and brain power. Avoid fried foods . Products such as butter, mayonnaise, nuts, cheese, high fat milk cream, sandwich meats, margarine, sauces should be eaten in limited amounts.

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