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Wednesday 16 July 2014

14 effects of not getting enough sleep

Sleeping less than six hours a day for one week causes changes in more than 700 genes.

Daily occupations cause many people overlook the time to rest and continue their lifestyle. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that an adult should sleep 7 to 8 hours to maintain optimal physical, emotional and mental state.

A study published in the journal Sleep examined the bedtime  habits of 1,741 men and women and found that those who slept less than six hours had a higher risk of dying after only one night, had lost part of brain tissue .
Based on some studies on this subject, some effects of not getting enough sleep are:

1. Hunger excess and anxiety
Lack of sleep is related to the tendency to eat in larger quantities with a greater number of calories and carbohydrates. Also, you would be more likely to choose 'junk' foods, even when not hungry.

2. More risk of having an accident
According to the National Sleep Foundation in the U.S., less than six hours sleep triples the chance of having a drowsy while driving, accidents take place due to the effects on eye coordination. But so you are not behind the wheel, a night without sleep will make it awkward.

3. Poor physical attractiveness
The study published in the journal Sleep found that participants in the experiment were less attractive and more decayed appearance. Another study by the Medical Karolinska Institute in Stockholm said that people looking tired is considered less accessible. Over time this effect worsens as the skin ages.

4. More likely to have flu
A study by Carnegie Mellon University explains that sleeping less than seven hours posed WHO is associated with a high risk of getting a cold. Therefore, a very strong immune system break.

5. Loss of brain tissue
Spend just one sleepless night can cause loss of brain tissue, as blood levels increase two cerebral molecules, usually by a brain injury.

6. More Emotions
In 2007 study at the University of California and Harvard Medical School used MRI to show that not sleep properly makes emotional brain regions are more active by 60%, this would cause more uncontrolled and inappropriate reactions.

7. Lowest concentration, more memory problems
Being tired affects concentration and, instead, it may become more forgetful. This can hinder the learning and retention of concepts.

8. Increased risk of stroke
Research slepp 2012 states that the risk of stroke increases for adults and the elderly.

9. More odds of obesity
In addition to consuming more calories after not sleeping well for only one night, long term you may suffer from obesity. According to the analysis of Penn State, as the hormones ghrelin and leptin, which regulate appetite, change their levels considerably.

10. Might increase the risk of cancer
A study of 1,240 people who had emphasized that slept less than six hours had twice the risk of colorectal polyps, which can be malignant with time. In addition, other studies related to breast cancer.

11. Diabetes
A study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Diseases found that sleep deprivation is associated with chronic diseases such as type II diabetes and that there is less sensitivity to insulin.

12. Cardiac Diseases
Depriving yourself of sleep could be related to high blood pressure, clogged arteries and heart failure. So says a study by Harvard Health Publications.

13. Decreases sperm count
It can affect fertility. According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology showed that youth who confessed suffer sleep disturbances, 29% had less concentration of sperm in his semen.

14. The risk of death is increased
A study that analyzed Sleep Magazine habits that a bedtime of 1,741 men and women found that those who slept less than six hours had a higher risk of dying.

Read also:


10 tips for sleeping well

What foods are best to eat before bedtime

 2 Sleep's worst enemy

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