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Tuesday 19 February 2013

Cold: Vitamin C Useful in prevention for Childern

Athletes but also the children would benefit from taking the vitamin C supplementation in order to avoid colds and recover faster after taking cold. In any case it says a study by scientists at the University of Helsinki, Finland.

Also effective in children

These were given to a group of 11,000 volunteers a regular dose of vitamins C and then studied their resistance to viruses in winter. Among the participants, there were children, runners, soldiers or even making the teenagers swimming in competition

The researchers found that among people who work outdoors or who regularly practice a sport, taking vitamin C was shown to halve the risk of having a cold and otherwise, to heal faster. By cons no effect was noted in people who have no physical activity

Children also seem more susceptible to this supplementation. The results of the study, children who took a regular dose of one gram of vitamin C given the average length of their cold reduced by 18%. Harri Hemild and Elizabeth Chalker, the authors of the study conclude: "the failure of vitamin C supplementation to reduce the incidence of colds in the general population indicates that the habit of taking vitamin C is not justified but it may be helpful for people experiencing brief periods of intense physical activity. "

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